
[h4] What We Are [/h4]

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[h4] Who we are [/h4]

We have been providing website services to local companies, non-profits, and organizations in North Port since we moved here in 2010. Before that we provided website services to various clients in New Jersey & Pennsylvania.

We don’t burden our clients with a ton of technical jargon. Everyone has their own skills, we don’t believe that everyone needs to learn code to have a website. If it is easier for you to email updates and have someone else make the updates or blog posts then that is what will be done. We want to work with you but we will also work for you.

[button color=”skin_color” size=”small” shape=”square” link=”/portfolio-3-column”] View Projects [/button]


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[h4] Our Skills [/h4]

We have been working with websites for over 15 years and have picked up a few skills along the way here are a few of our strengths:

[skill_bar skill_name=”Web Design” bar_color=”skin_color” percentage=”80%” ]

[skill_bar skill_name=”Photo Editing” bar_color=”skin_color” percentage=”70%” ]

[skill_bar skill_name=”Video Editing” bar_color=”skin_color” percentage=”60%” ]


[h4] Other Services [/h4]

We will be more than happy to create and maintain your website but that is not all we do here are a few of the other services we offer.


[icon icon_name=”icon-ok” alt=””] Newsletter / Flyer Creation [/icon]

[icon icon_name=”icon-ok” alt=””] Promotional Video Creation [/icon]

[icon icon_name=”icon-ok” alt=””] Printing & Distribution [/icon]

[icon icon_name=”icon-ok” alt=””] Networking & Lead Generation [/icon]

[icon icon_name=”icon-ok” alt=””] Social Media Management [/icon]




[h4] Our Services [/h4]

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[animated_menu_item link=”http://wilmerwebdesign.com/services” icon=”icon-eye-open” title=”WEBSITE DESIGNING” sub_title=”professional and quality web services” hover_text_color=”#fff”]

[animated_menu_item link=”http://wilmerwebdesign.com/services” icon=”icon-laptop” title=”CORPORATE IDENTITY” sub_title=”professional and quality web services” hover_text_color=”#fff”]

[animated_menu_item link=”http://wilmerwebdesign.com/services” icon=”icon-cog” title=”WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT” sub_title=”professional and quality web services” hover_text_color=”#fff”]

[animated_menu_item link=”http://wilmerwebdesign.com/services” icon=”icon-shopping-cart” title=”E-COMMERCE SOLUTIONS” sub_title=”professional and quality web services” hover_text_color=”#fff”]

[animated_menu_item link=”http://wilmerwebdesign.com/services” icon=”icon-umbrella” title=”CUSTOMER SERVICES” sub_title=”professional and quality web services” hover_text_color=”#fff”]
